City Centre Office Accommodation Available

Affordable city centre office accommodation available to charities and other third sector organsations.

Bryson Charitable Group will be offering affordable (VAT not applicable) office accommodation in their city centre based headquarters Bryson House.


Bryson House is a centrally located B1 listed building adjacent to the Ulster Hall in Bedford Street, Belfast City Centre.  For almost 70 years Bryson House has been and continues to be a centre for social innovation.  We wish to expand this role and are making available a range of supported or stand lone accommodation opportunities. We would like to encourage in particular new 3rd sector and social enterprise starts ups and will accommodate ‘hot desk’ only opportunities. Tenants of the building have access to a range of support facilities on site including meeting rooms, photocopying, reception and mailroom services all at competitive rates.


The accommodation will include exclusive use offices and suites as well as a shared serviced office option for smaller organisations. The offer will apply to registered charities, social enterprises and third sector organisations and provides for both long and short term licencing arrangements. For further details interested organisations should contact the premises manager Joe Donaldson [email protected] or call him on 028 90325835.

Last updated 7 years 4 months ago