Cinemagic and Jordan’s Gift Film Project Launches

Cinemagic International Film and Television Festival for Young People in partnership with Jordan’s Gift charity have launched a new filmmaking project to inspire and educate young people from across Northern Ireland.

Cinemagic International Film and Television Festival for Young People in partnership with Jordan’s Gift charity have launched a new filmmaking project to inspire and educate young people from across Northern Ireland.

Cinemagic is looking for 10 participants, aged 16-21, to work on the project as filmmaking trainees, to produce a short documentary film highlighting the work of Jordan’s Gift and the inspiration and ethos behind it. The charity helps young people disadvantaged through disability or illness, young carers and young people living with social deprivation. Jordan's Gift provides financial awards to assist with projects, education and equipment costs to help with recovery, rehabilitation and future planning so that young people can live and look forward to a meaningful and happy life.

Joan Burney Keatings MBE, Cinemagic Chief Executive said “We are really proud to be launching a creative project for young people  that came from an idea to capture on film how Jordan’s spirit continues to flourish through the wonderful charity set up by his family in his honour- to celebrate his life and also to help others. Participants will be mentored by a Cinemagic filmmaking team and they will have the opportunity to work on all aspects of the production to develop their skillset.”

Colin Kennedy, Jordan’s Gift said "Jordan was inspirational. His love of life, fun personality and eagerness to help others, especially those less fortunate than himself encouraged us to set up the charity in his memory. I am delighted that Cinemagic has partnered with Jordan's Gift to help young people whilst at the same time celebrating his life. I know Jordan would be both honoured and very, very proud."

Participants must be available from 10.30am-5.30pm in Belfast from 14th-17th September inclusive.

How to applyEmail [email protected] or telephone Sean Boyle at Cinemagic on 028 90 311 900 to register your interest, explaining why you would benefit from the project. Deadline to apply is September 1st 2017.

Press Information: Claire Shaw, Cinemagic Press and Marketing Officer, 028 90 311 900, [email protected]

Last updated 6 years 10 months ago