Cinemagic - 18-25 Year Olds Sought For The Christmas Star Production Crew


Cinemagic has launched its search for a young film production crew and film music crew, aged 18-25, for the film ‘The Christmas Star’, Northern Ireland’s first Christmas feature film made by young people under the guidance of industry professionals. Budding film profesionals will have the chance to develop their talents and earn their first credit on the local feature film being made in Northern Ireland later this year.

Cinemagic has launched its search for a young film production crew and film music crew for the film ‘The Christmas Star’, Northern Ireland’s first Christmas feature film made by young people under the guidance of industry professionals. Budding filmmakers, aged 18-25, will have the chance to develop their talents and earn their first credit on the local feature film being made in Northern Ireland later this year.

A host of film and television professionals are supporting the ground-breaking film production that will engage with hundreds of young people, marking the beginning of a year of Cinemagic’s 25th Anniversary celebrations.

Cinemagic is looking for committed, talented and creative young people who will gain unprecedented access to top film and television industry professionals and prior to making the feature film, the successful applicants will participate in a compulsory programme of intensive and practical training through masterclasses and workshops led by the professional mentors.

The opportunity will provide the young film-makers with an invaluable insight to all aspects of filmmaking and the essential skills required in each area. The young people will be assigned individual roles on the film crew and production will take place over a 4 week period in November and December 2014.

For the film production crew all applicants must ensure they can be available on the following dates:

Monday 27th October – Friday 31st October 2014: intensive training workshops with film industry mentors.

Monday 3rd November – Friday 14th November 2014: Further training workshops and pre-production.

Saturday 15th November – Sunday 14th December 2014 - Filming of ‘The Christmas Star’ takes place around Northern Ireland.

Young and budding composers, sound designers and music editors are asked to apply for positions in the music department for the film. Award winning film composer, Patrick Doyle, (Brave, Rise of the Planet of the Apes), and Music Supervisor, Maggie Rodford, (The King’s Speech, Anna Karenina) will be assessing all applications, and will work with Northern Irish based music composition company Score Draw Music (Road, Driftwood Bay) along with the young composers over the course of the project.

For the music department crew all applicants must ensure they can be available on the following dates:
Monday 22nd – Wednesday 24th September 2014 for intensive Music/ Sound Training with Industry Mentors.

During September and October there will be specific song writing assignments and the main post production work will be during January – June ’15.

Joan Burney Keatings MBE, Cinemagic Chief Executive said “We look forward to meeting and working with young talented and creative young people who are interested in the film industry and want to share ideas and learn from some of the top names in the business. We are looking for young people from all backgrounds to come together and work on a common goal and illustrate what can be achieved working as a team on this innovative opportunity.”

How to apply: All training and filming will take place across Northern Ireland and Ireland. Young people are expected to make their own way to and from training and filming each day. No previous experience necessary. You need to be between the ages of 18 and 25 when applying. You must be able to commit to the programme for its duration.

Please download application forms HERE or email [email protected]. Please note that applications must be received via email to [email protected]  by the deadline of noon on Friday 29th August 2014. Interviews for the short-listed applicants will take place on 15th and 16th September.

The project is supported by OFMDFM, BBC Northern Ireland, UTV, Tourism Ireland and DSD.

Last updated 9 years 7 months ago