Christmas Carolling at CastleCourt Shopping Centre

Addiction NI went carolling last night (December 21) at the CastleCourt Shopping Mall in Belfast to raise money to help those affected by drug or alcohol misuse.

carolling at Castle Court

The carol singers spread festive cheer to lucky shoppers who were picking up some last minute presents and items for Christmas. Many shoppers were in a rush or panic but that didn’t stop them enjoying the singing and kindly donating to Addiction NI as they ran by. After all giving to others and to those in need is what Christmas is all about.

Addiction NI Fundraising and Marketing Officer, Danielle Ross said, “The Addiction NI carol singers done a fantastic job and I want to thank them for kindly donating their time and voices to help us raise some money this Christmas. All the funds raised will go directly towards our front line services of professional treatment, advice and support for those with addiction problems and their family members.”

“Especially at Christmas time it’s important to remember those who may be isolated and alone because of their alcohol or drug problem, and thought should also be given to families that are affected and broken because of a loved one’s dependency on alcohol or drugs.”

The carol singers raised £300 for Addiction NI and it is a very welcomed early Christmas gift!

Thank you to the carol singers, choir organiser Richard Dale, the collectors and to all the shoppers that donated.

Merry Christmas to you all and have a Happy New Year.

Last updated 12 years 3 months ago