Forth Meadow Community Greenway volunteers standing with their bikes in front of bridge at Springfield Dam as they take part in cycle training

Cheerful cyclists and willing walkers needed for Forth Meadow volunteering

After a successful first wave of recruitment, Sustrans and Intercomm are opening up applications for the second group of Volunteer Walk and Cycle Leaders.

Over the last few months Sustrans and Intercomm have recruited a team of local people to become Volunteer Walk and Cycle Leaders on the Forth Meadow Community Greenway.  Training is well underway with the first group in a range of activities such as first aid, cycle training, ride manager, walk leader training alongside mediation.

The Forth Meadow Community Greenway is a new £5.1 million EU PEACE IV-funded project to connect existing open spaces in north and west Belfast along a 12km route leading to the new Transport Hub in the city centre. Work has already commenced on the first major section and the volunteers are getting familiar with the route with training taking place in Springfield Dam Park.

Rachael Ludlow-Williams, Sustrans Volunteer Coordinator said:
“We are so pleased with the first group of volunteers, they are inspiringly enthusiastic and are learning all the skills needed to be able to help the local community enjoy walking and cycling on what will be a fantastic shared outdoor space.

We provide all the training and support for your volunteer role, so if you like keeping active and the outdoors then get in touch about volunteering.”

Joan Herron signed up to be a Volunteer Cycle Leader in March this year and has been taking part in the training over the last few months.
“I chose to become a Volunteer Cycle Leader for the Forth Meadow Community Greenway as I saw it as a great way to meet people, have fun exploring the area and keep active!

I’m looking forward to leading group rides with new friends!”

Winston Irvine, Intercomm said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for local people to get involved in local ‘health and well-being’ activities in their own back yard. The training that we provide as part of volunteering efforts will also equip people with the necessary skills to make best use out of their Greenway. I look forward to working with local groups and individuals to ensure the potential of this exciting new project is properly realised.”

This project is part of Belfast’s PEACE IV Action Plan which is financed through the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Match-funding for the Action Plan has been provided by The Executive Office and the Department of Rural and Community Development. For more information on Belfast PEACE IV, visit

The Greenway will be at the heart of this project and we need volunteers to bring it to life and encourage local people to get out walking and cycling. If you’re interested in your area and appreciate the green space then volunteering for this project may be just up your street – literally! There are a number of online engagement sessions taking place between 1pm and 2pm on Monday 21st, Wednesday 23rd, Monday 28th and Wednesday 30 June to find out more about the project.

If this sounds of interest, then find out more at or email  

Last updated 3 years 9 months ago
This project is part of Belfast’s PEACE IV Action Plan which is financed through the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).