Charity Commission for Northern Ireland annual public meeting 2022

Meet some of Northern Ireland’s Charity Commissioners and get an in-depth look at the work of the regulator at the Commission’s annual public meeting 2022.

Announcing the Commission’s first public meeting since pre COVID-19, Chief Charity Commissioner, Nicole Lappin, highlighted the event as an important opportunity for the charity sector, and for the Commission itself.

She continued: “Recent years have proven to be a pivotal period for the Commission, with highly anticipated changes in charity law as well as to our own registration and annual reporting processes now in place.

“The public meeting is an ideal opportunity for the charity sector to find out more about that work, and what it will mean for them, as well as to ask questions and share their views on our plans for the future.”

The event will include an overview of the Commission’s work and development in recent years, the changes brought in following new Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 as well as the regulator’s plans for the future.

As part of a roundtable discussion, attendees will be invited to focus on the Commission’s proposals for engaging with the sector and its future plans for 2023 to 2026, providing their thoughts and opinions as part of a planned consultation.

Mrs Lappin also announced that the guest speaker will be Dr Rosemary Peters Gallagher OBE, who was awarded the OBE in 2006 for her services to business and the community and, in 2016, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science for her services to Ulster University.

“I am delighted that Dr Peters Gallagher OBE, who is well known in the charity sector, will be our guest speaker, sharing her thoughts on how charity registration and annual reporting can be used as a tool of transparency,” Mrs Lappin added.

A partner in Moore (NI) LLP, Rosemary is a trustee of several charities and has also served as a non-executive director on the Board of Invest Northern Ireland, the Northern Health and Social Services Board and the Cabinet Office Audit and Risk Committee in Whitehall.

Meeting details

  • Date: Wednesday 16 November 2022
  • Time: 10am – 12.30pm (registration from 9.45am, refreshments will be available)
  • Venue: Chestnut Suite, Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn

Space is limited and seats will be allocated on first come, first served basis. To book a seat, please email [email protected] providing your name, organisation and job role (if applicable) and contact email address. Please also outline if you have any accessibility requirements.

Last updated 1 year 8 months ago