Centre for Social Justice Awards

The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) Awards recognise and reward local charities and voluntary organisations that are working in the community to address the causes of poverty and turn people's lives around. Winning organisations receive £10,000.

Entries for the awards close on 4 January 2012 so don't miss out!

Each winning organisation receives £10,000, and their work will be showcased before an audience of politicians, celebrities and media at a celebratory evening in July.

What are the CSJ awards?
The Centre for Social Justice is looking for community-based charities and voluntary groups that are turning lives around for people and families in poverty and disadvantage. Winning organisations will receive a £10,000 cash prize, awarded at a high-profile evening celebration in London in July 2012 before an audience of 300 key influencers, including MPs, funders and policy makers. Previous guests have included Sir Bob Geldof, Zoë Wanamaker CBE, Dame Kelly Holmes, The Rt. Hon David Cameron MP, The Rt. Hon David Blunkett MP, The Rt. Hon Sir Menzies Campbell MP and many more.

We greatly value the depth and breadth of services that many charities offer, and understand that it may be hard to choose just one category from the list below. However, please choose the issue that you tackle most directly and successfully.

  1. Family Breakdown
  2. Educational Failure
  3. Worklessness and Economic Dependency
  4. Debt
  5. Addiction
  6. CSJ Award (other specialisms)

To apply, you must:
• Be a voluntary group with charitable objectives, or a registered charity;
• Work directly with people living in social or financial poverty in the UK;
• Be seeking solutions that will help people out of poverty and enable them to stay that way;
• Have an annual turnover of less than £3 million.

CSJ can’t award :
• Previous CSJ Award winners or shortlisted organisations;
• Training bodies, or organisations who do not work directly with clients;
• For-profit companies;
• Organisations with a turnover of over £3 million.


Further information can be found online at http://www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk/ or from the application pack and form available to download below.

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago