Census Voluntary Work Results - Looking Beyond the Figure

The Census collects information every 10 years on the characteristics of people and households in Northern Ireland.

It is used by central and local government, health authorities and many other organisations to plan and provide future services.  In the 2011 census a question was asked on whether someone had volunteered:

 "In the past year, have you helped with or carried out any voluntary work without pay?" The response options were Yes or No.

On average 16% of respondents (202,513) responded 'yes' to this question. This percentage is lower than the results from the three large public surveys of volunteering carried out in Northern Ireland in 1995, 2001 and most recently 2007, which showed volunteering rates to be relatively unchanged.

The It's All About Time survey in 2007 reported volunteering rates at 21% (282,067).  Does this mean that volunteering rates have fallen?  An alternative view is that the difference is likely to be due at least in part to the different methodologies used.  To read the full article go to www.volunteernow.co.uk/news/item/319

Last updated 11 years 6 months ago