Census 2021 is Coming

The next census will take place on 21 March 2021. It is really important you take part. Your information helps build a picture of where you live that’ll be used to decide how vital services are planned and funded for the next 10 years.

The census only happens every 10 years and the next one is happening in March 2021. 


The information collected in the census is used to help make decisions about how vital public services such as education, transport and health are planned and funded in your local area.    It is also used by community groups and charities to apply for funding so that they can provide the resources needed by the people they support. 


Census 2021 data will help to shape many different aspects of life in Northern Ireland over the next 10 years and that is why your answers are so important.  Your answers are completely confidential and your personal information will never be shared.


Census day is on March 21st, but you will receive letters with an access code to complete online in the post from the beginning of March 2021.  As soon as you get the letter you can fill in the census.


You can complete online or on paper and we have a range of help and guidance available including accessibility and language support.  You can complete online on any internet enabled device including laptops, tablets and mobile phones.  Anyone you trust can help you to complete. 


To find out more visit census.gov.uk/ni or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @NICensus2021


Last updated 3 years 4 months ago