CENI Summer Shorts Training Sessions - Do You Know What Difference You Make? Do Others?

CENI Summer Shorts sessions to help you understand and explain your impact are aimed at fundraisers, project planners/evaluators, annual reporters/communicators and governors/leaders.

Step out of the office and give your head space to think and learn before the madness of the autumn kicks in.


Treat yourself an eighty minute guided pause during which you’ll remind yourself why your work is important and how you might share that knowledge with others.


“Understanding the difference you make and explaining it clearly to others is key to improving, surviving and thriving.”


These short sessions are your spring boards for thinking about future action and learning support.  You will leave with a draft outcomes and impacts map, rough plan of what to do next, and new va-va-voom for your work.


You’ll also get handed £10 off any three-hour follow-up session in our September Season. These will be shaped around requests from people like you, who take part in the Summer Shorts.


There’s a Summer Shorts session for everyone between 22 and 25 August at Queen’s Sport, Upper Malone, BT9 5LA.   If you can’t make a session that best matches your role, then get in touch with Brenda and we’ll work you in.  All sessions are £20 pp


Whichever one you choose, Ceni Summer Shorts will help you move forward with clarity.


Fundraisers                                         Mon 22nd August 2016  10am or            Wed 24th August 2016  11.40am

Governors/Leaders                            Tues 23rd August 2016  11.40am  or      Thurs 25th August 2016  10am

Project planners/Evaluators              Mon 22nd August 2016  11.40am or      Wed 24th August 2016  10am

Annual reporters/Communicators   Tues 23rd August 2016  10am or            Thurs 25th August 2016    11.40am


For booking or more information get in touch with Brenda Kent : Email [email protected]        Office 9024 8005     Mobile/text 07764182966


For the flyer see the link attached.


You can also get in touch on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/communityevaluationni/

Last updated 7 years 11 months ago