Causeway Coast & Glens Citizens invite to a Forum Theatre Experience

Dear Causeway Coast & Glens Citizen

We are inviting you to take part in a Forum Theatre experience at the Sandel Centre on Saturday November 12th from 2pm - 4pm.

The Waste Not Time project has gathered together a curious, courageous and creative group of local citizens, keen to carry forward the issues that a year of community actions and discussions has highlighted as being of most importance to the people of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.

Together we have created a Forum Theatre play that by its nature invites audience members to discuss and find new ways to carry forward the problems presented. We would love you to attend this closed event to both participate in an active discussion around issues that affect you and your area, and act as a critical friend in giving us feedback about the play ahead of our public performances in the community and we hope, in the council chambers in early 2017.

Date: November 12th
Location: Sandel Centre, 6 Knocklynn Road, Coleraine BT52 1WT
Time: 2pm - 4pm

Please let Karin Eyben know whether you will be attending by contacting her at [email protected]

Please do not miss this opportunity to support this project and take part in a Forum Theatre experience in your area.

Really looking forward to seeing you on the day!

Waste No Time  project consortium are Corrymeela, Beyond Skin, Rural Community Network, Building Communities Resource Centre & Charo Lanao.

Forum Theatre partner: Desert Fish.

Project Sponsor: Building Change Trust (Lottery Funded)


Last updated 7 years 7 months ago