Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle Outdoor Recreation Consultation Events
Outdoor enthusiasts and those with a passion for Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle are being provided with an opportunity to influence the future development of outdoor recreation opportunities in and around these waterways.
Outdoor Recreation NI is carrying out a study on behalf of Lough’s Agency to feed into their forthcoming Development Directorate Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020. This plan will set out recommendations and actions for marine and coastal based recreation development in order to allow these waterways to deliver improved opportunities for both tourists and the local community.
As part of this study, Outdoor Recreation NI will be holding two consultation events to discuss and capture a wide range of views on current and future outdoor recreation opportunities and facilities on and around the waterways.
Whether you are a sailor, cyclist, angler, canoeist, walker or just have a desire to see outdoor recreation grow in these areas, Outdoor Recreation NI is keen for you to come and share your thoughts and ideas at the following consultation events:
Carlingford Lough (encompassing Cranfield to Newry to Ballagan Point): Monday 9th February, Newry Conference & Banqueting Centre, 39 – 41 The Mall, Newry, BT34 1AT from 7.00pm to 8.00pm
Lough Foyle (encompassing Downhill to Londonderry and River Foyle to Malin Head): Tuesday 10th February, Loughs Agency Headquarters, 22 Victoria Road, Londonderry, BT47 2AB from 7.00pm to 8.00pm
Complimentary refreshments will be served at each event from 6.45pm
To confirm your attendance at any of the above events, or for more information, please contact Matthew, Outdoor Recreation NI on 02890 303 930 or e-mail him at

The Stableyard, Barnett Demesne
Malone Road
United Kingdom