Caring for the Future

Carers Northern Ireland's annual conference will look at some of the issues that will have a big impact on carers over the next few years.

Always a high point of the carers' and health professionals' calendar, the annual Northern Ireland Carers Summit will once again bring to the forefront the issues that matter to carers and the people who work with them.

This year's theme is Caring for the Future and the summit will look at some of the big challenges ahead for carers including Welfare Reform, Personalisation and Re-enablement. There will also be a session on relaxation techniques.

Other highlights from the day include a panel debate and keynote presentations featuring experts in welfare rights and health and social care. We're particularly delighted to to give you an opportunity to hear from a number of carers who will share their unique perspectives on caring.

The event takes place from 10.00am to 3.00pm on 11th October in Craigavon Civic Centre. Lunch will be provided.

An unmissable opportunity

Every year both carers and health professonals find that the is summit an invaluable way to meet and share experiences and to  learn more about the policy developments that impact on carers' lives.  


Download the full programme and booking form below ...

Last updated 9 years ago