CARDI announces five future leaders in ageing research

The Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland has announced the appointment of five post-doctoral Fellows in a £1million investment to develop future leaders in research on ageing and older people.

 The CARDI Fellows, four at Queen's University Belfast and one at Trinity College Dublin, will carry out research over the next three years into ageing issues with the aim of improving the lives of older people across the island of Ireland.

New CARDI Fellows

The new CARDI Fellows, announced at the inaugural meeting of the CARDI Leadership Programme in Ageing Research in Belfast (Monday 15 Sept 2014) are: Joanne Feeney, Joanna McHugh, Charlotte Neville and Mark O'Doherty, who will be based in Queen's University Belfast, and Aisling O'Halloran based in Trinity College Dublin.

The appointment of the Fellows marks a substantial investment in the area of ageing research in Ireland, North and South. The direct investment aims to support the development of a strong community of researchers in ageing focussed on policy-relevant research which can support effective policy-making for the ageing populations. More information:




Media queries should be directed to Nicola Donnelly, CARDI, t: 00353 (0) 1 478 6308/ 086 7927 684, e: [email protected]

Last updated 9 years 9 months ago