Cancer Focus's Men's Health Conference marks Men's Health Week

Men and their Cancer Journey was the theme of this year’s successful annual Cancer Focus Northern Ireland ManAlive conference. Delegates also heard from two cancer patients,Ivan McMinn and Colin Donaldson, whose stories are on

The Cancer ~Focus conference was held at the Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown, ahead of Men’s Health Week, which runs from June 10-16, to update healthcare workers and individuals with an interest in men’s health and cancer issues. June is also Men’s Health Month.

Delegates from all over Northern Ireland, including the five health trusts, were welcomed by Cancer Focus Chief Executive Roisin Foster, who said: “The main focus of this conference was on the male journey through the cancer experience – from being worried at home to consulting with their GP and through their diagnosis, treatment and after care. We examined ways of demystifying the experience for men and looked at how to support men better through their cancer journey.”

 Sandra Gordon, Senior Cancer Prevention Officer, Cancer Focus, said: “Men can often be reluctant to go to their doctor when they are concerned about their health. At the conference we explored ways to encourage men to take that first step of seeing their GPs, making their cancer journey as stress free as we can, and looking at best practice.”

 Liz Atkinson, Head of Care Services, Cancer Focus, spoke on the services provided by the charity across Northern Ireland for cancer patients, their families and carers.

Dr Colum Farrelly, a GP and Hospice doctor, said: "Early detection is the key to successful treatment. Too many men delay going to their GP when they suspect something is not right, which is a trend we are eager to reverse both for men and for their families.

“Conferences like ManAlive encourage men to look for, and report, their symptoms, and are an important part of our battle against cancer."

 Speakers were Liz Atkinson, Dr Colum Farrelly, Dr Finian Bannon, from the NI Cancer Registry, Professor  Eilis MCaughan, University of Ulster, Dr Tracy Owen, Public Health Agency, Dr Art O’Hagan, Consultant in Dermatology, Dr Rory Convery, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, and Jackie Gracey, Lecturer in Physiotherapy, University of Ulster.

 Topics under the spotlight included cancer trends, experiences at GP surgeries, barriers and bridges to engaging with men, and the signs, symptoms, detection and treatments of bowel, prostate, skin and lung cancer.

 Cancer from a man’s perspective was explored through the experiences of two patients, Ivan McMinn and Colin Donaldson, who told delegates about their own cancer journeys, and question and answer sessions were hosted by radio presenter John Daly.

Cancer Focus’s purpose-built ManVan - a mobile drop-in unit which visits rural communities, clubs and events to offer men free health checks -  was also on site. For further information or to book the ManVan for your club or group click on or email [email protected]

 The conference is part of the Cancer Focus ManAlive project based in the Southern Trust area and is funded by the Big Lottery.

 For more information about Cancer Focus go to, follow the charity on Facebook and Twitter or call 028 9066 3281.

 Pictured are Dr Colum Farrelly with Cancer Focus Chief Executive Roisin Foster, and Gerry McElwee, Cancer Focus.                                     

  • Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is the official charity for this year’s first Deep RiverRock Belfast City Half Marathon and fun run on September 22. All the money raised will stay in Northern Ireland and goes towards the charity’s Men’s Health Campaign. If you would like to sign up go to or contact our half marathon team on 028 9066 3281 or email   [email protected].


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Marie Foy, Communications Officer, Cancer Focus, on

028 9066 3281 / 07736 358692


Niamh Callan, Communications Assistant, Cancer Focus, on

028 9066 3281

Last updated 10 years 11 months ago