Cancer Focus' tips for a New Year New You!

The New Year is the time for making resolutions and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is encouraging everyone to make a few small changes to benefit you and your family, improve your health and help lower your risk of cancer.

In Northern Ireland around 12,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year and one in three people will develop cancer during their lifetime. However, many cancers can be prevented, so there’s no better time to make the switch to a healthier lifestyle.

Most people who make New Year resolutions break them before Valentine’s Day – often because the emphasis is on denying yourself and trying to do too much too soon.  Rather than focus all your energies and trying to turn your life around in January, why not ring in the changes gradually throughout the year?

Here are Cancer Focus’ handy hints and tips for each month:

 January – Focus on Nutrition.  Being overweight can increase your risk of cancer. The best way to improve your diet and reduce your weight is to:

  1. Be aware of portion sizes

  2. Choose low-calorie, healthy high fibre foods such as fruit and vegetables, grains and pulses as these will keep you feeling fuller for longer

  3. Avoid junk foods and sugary drinks as these cause weight gain

    February – Increase your Exercise.  Taking 30 minutes of vigorous exercise or 60 minutes of moderate activity each day can lower your risk of cancer. Do something you enjoy - take the stairs instead of the lift, walk to your local shop instead of taking the car or go for a brisk walk during lunch break.

    You could get ready for the Belfast Marathon in May and enter the marathon, fun run or nine mile walk. It’s a great way to exercise and you could raise sponsorship money for Cancer Focus at the same time. There’s also the Belfast half marathon in September. 

    March – Stop Smoking.  Stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and lower your risk of cancer. Plan to quit and you’ll be more successful, so make a note of No Smoking Day on Wednesday 12th March.

     Smokers can greatly increase their chances of success if they use stop smoking aids prescribed by their GP or pharmacist along with support and advice.  Cancer Focus operates the Smokers’ Helpline on 0808 812 8008. This is funded by the Public Health Agency and provides individually tailored support as well as information on where to find your nearest Stop Smoking Service.

     April – Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.  Stick to those New Year resolutions of a healthy diet, increased exercise and no smoking and you’ll lower your risk of bowel cancer. If you’re between 60 and 71 go for bowel cancer screening when you are invited.

     May – Take Care in the Sun.  Get ready for the summer sun at home and abroad by protecting your skin to prevent skin cancer. The top tips are:

  • seek shade and avoid prolonged exposure when the sun is at its peak – 11am to 3pm

  • wear clothing and hats that protect against ultraviolet radiation (UVR)

  • use sunscreen, minimum SPF 15, and apply liberally

  • don’t use sunbeds

    June – Men’s Health.  Every year around 6,200 men are diagnosed with cancer in Northern Ireland. The Cancer Focus ManAlive! programme raises awareness of the positive impact that small changes can make to both physical and mental health. The Cancer Focus team also takes its Male Quick Fit scheme into workplaces, providing weight and body mass checks with individually tailored advice to encourage men to set their own goals for a healthier lifestyle. Visit for more information.

     July – Lower your Alcohol Intake.  Did you know that drinking alcohol increases your risk of cancer? If you drink, try to limit your intake - one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men (ie one drink is a small glass of wine, half a pint of beer or one measure of spirits). 

     August - Early Detection.  Cancer can be more effectively treated if it is detected early so keep a check on any changes to your body. These may include:

    - loss of appetite

    - difficulty swallowing

    - extreme tiredness

    - unexplained weight loss

    - persistent cough

    - change in bowel habits

    - changes to a mole

     Talk to your doctor early if you have any health concerns and if you’re worried about cancer, call the Cancer Focus Information and Support Helpline on

    0800 783 3339 or email [email protected].

    September - Encourage your Children to make Healthy Lifestyle Choices.

    Start the new school term with a spring in your step and encourage children to get exercise by cycling or walking to school. Many lifelong eating habits are formed in early childhood so pack a healthy lunchbox with plenty of fruit and veg.  Check out the Cancer Focus Schools Health Education Package (SHEP) on 

     October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Cancer Focus encourages women to check their breasts regularly. A lump may be the most commonly recognised early symptom of breast cancer but other symptoms can include:

  • Any dent, puckering or dimpling of your breasts

  • Thickening under the skin of your breasts or armpit

  • Changes in size or shape of the breast

  • Veins which stand out more than usual

  • Any change in the position of your nipples – pulled inwards or pointing in a different direction

  • Any discharge or bleeding from your nipples

  • A rash on your nipple

  • Any discomfort or pain in your breasts that is different from normal

  • Any new change in sensation in your breasts

    If you are between 50-70 years of age, don’t forget to take up your breast screening invitation. 

    November - Take Care Using Harmful Substances

    It’s important to take care when using harmful substances which can be found in certain fertilisers, pesticides or household products.  Follow the instructions and safety guidelines making sure to wear protective clothing and always work in a ventilated space.  


    December - Celebrate Your Successes.  Congratulations – you’ve made positive changes to your lifestyle, taking cancer prevention into your own hands.

    Reflect on the changes you've made and the rewards that will last a lifetime! 



Last updated 10 years 4 months ago