Can we count you in?
The Big Lunch is about millions of people getting together to share food, have fun and get to know each other better. Imagine all that community spirit if we all join in.
This intergenerational initiative by the Eden Project and National Lottery celebrates all that is good about where we live, it motivates more neighbourhood kindness and helps develop safer friendlier neighbourhoods. Having steadily grown since it began in 2009 there is now has an average of 6 million people taking part each year.
We are working for more participation across Northern Ireland and appeal to you to join in around 1 -2 June and make it the largest celebration of neighbourhood and community ever. When community spirited people step forward you open doors to lots of people waiting for the opportunity to get more involved in their community.
Could you take part in The Big Lunch this year?
All it takes is for one kind and friendly person to get the conversation started and, before you know it you have your plan. Whether you join in and reclaim your street or just your lunch hour, whether you organise something with neighbours or the wider community it all counts and you help others make better connections thanks to your willingness to make time for people. If you could organise a little get together or something bigger we want to hear from you. Just order your free pack today at then join us on social media with #TheBigLunch count me in and don't be shy add details about your organisation or area.
Local representative Grainne McCloskey said:” When we make time for good local connections our neighbourhoods thrive and are far better placed to cope when times are tough.”
Organisations who have taken part in Northern Ireland say The Big Lunch is an inclusive way to fundraise, to thank your volunteers and local supporters, showcase progress and a fun low cost way to simply make more local connections, connections which in some cases lead to more involvement in projects and local committees.
For those registering in 2019 there will be competitions, giveaways and opportunity for those who need it to gain additional support from Eden Project Communities to help make more happen where you live.
If you need any tips, have questions or could spread the word to more people, please make contact and we can provide you with a tool kit to help spread the word and enable more people to join in across Northern Ireland.
The Big Lunch - bringing people together.

Eden Project Communities
Eden Project Communities
C/o The National Lottery Community Fund
United Kingdom