Call for Workshop Papers

ARC (NI) Annual Conference 2016 | Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd June | Venue TBC

Fairy Tales, Fables & Facts:
Bamford Vision, are we there yet?

The ARC (NI) Annual Conference is back and we are now accepting proposals for workshops.

Focusing on Bamford this conference will:

  • take stock of developments so far and the vision for the future
  • explore what is and isn’t working
  • showcase best practice in achieving positive outcomes
  • examine the role of leadership in creating a “can do” culture to support real change.

In addition to a range of keynote presentations there will be a wide range of workshops.

On day 1 these workshops will be solution focused on the practice realities and open to any staff, service user and parent/carer to attend.

On day 2 we welcome workshops relevant for managers/leaders only.

Anyone interested in facilitating a workshop of 95 minutes is asked to forward a brief proposal on the attached form.  All workshops should take account of the conference aims and focus on sharing good practice ‘real-life’ experiences.  We particularly welcome workshop proposals delivered in partnership with people with a learning disability and/or family carers[1].All workshops should have no more than 5 co-facilitators.

This is an opportunity for you to share innovations and best practice across the sector.

Workshop Proposals forms are available from the ARC NI website and should be submitted by email to [email protected] before 18th December 2015.

[1] Each workshop will receive one free day place (9.00 am – 5.00 pm) at the conference.

Informal enquiries are welcome by contacting Leslie-Anne Newton, ARC (NI) office, Wildflower Way, Boucher Road, Belfast BT12 6TA  (tel:028 9038 0960).

Last updated 8 years 7 months ago