A Call for Positive Change

A Call to Action Report Launched

Domestic Violence and Non-Molestation Orders: A Call to Action

For the last 3 years Footprints Women’s Centre and human rights organisation, ‘Participation and the Practice of Rights’ have been working with women from the Colin neighbourhood who came together to tackle their concerns around the way in which the PSNI currently approach non-molestation orders.

The group has now formed as ‘Footprints Women’s Movement’ and, has gathered evidence on the impact of domestic violence in their community and, more specifically the effectiveness of Non-Molestation Orders as a response to domestic violence. 

This evidence has been developed into a report which was launched on Friday 15th May 2015

As an individual/organisation with an interest in this very important issue we are inviting you to sign the pledge attached and invite other members of your organisation or group in order to support a growing movement by women who are challenging current PSNI practice with the purpose of making real change for others experiencing domestic violence.

We would appreciate if organisations could print the attached pledge and encourage as many people to sign and return to Footprints Womens Centre, 84A Colinmill, Poleglass, BT17 0AR.


Last updated 9 years 10 months ago