Call for Poetry Submissions for Momentous Anthology

Community Arts Partnership invites residents in any part of Northern Ireland to submit poems that demonstrate some notion of “moment” for a new anthology as part of the Poetry in Motion Programme.

Community Arts Partnership invites residents in any part of Northern Ireland to submit poems that demonstrate some notion of “moment”.

mo·ment  (mmnt)


1. A brief, indefinite interval of time.

2. A specific point in time, especially the present time: He is not here at the moment.

3. A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments: a great moment in history; waiting for her big moment.

4. Outstanding significance or value; importance: a discovery of great moment.

5. A brief period of time that is characterized by a quality, such as excellence, suitability, or distinction: a lacklustre performance that nevertheless had its moments.

6. Philosophy

a. An essential or constituent element, as of a complex idea.

b. A phase or an aspect of a logically developing process.

7. Abbr. M Physics

a. The product of a quantity and its perpendicular distance from a reference point.

b. The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis.

8. Statistics The expected value of a positive integral power of a random variable. The first moment is the mean of the distribution.

(taken from

 “Moment” will continue to build on the work undertaken by the Poetry in Motion Programme, supported through revenue funding by its principal funder, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland with additional support from Belfast City Council, Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit.

Poetry in Motion Programmes have showcased new writing talent alongside more established names in the world of poetry and spoken word.  Previous contributors to the programmes include Seamus Heaney, Sinead Morrissey, Meadbh McGuckian, Ben Maeir, Ann Zell, Ruth Carr and Paul Maddern.

Chelley McLear, Poetry in Motion Co-ordinator said:

“We are delighted to be embarking upon our second regional project.  Earlier this year poets from all across Northern Ireland came together to launch “The Poet’s Place”, our first regional anthology.  The enthusiasm shown for that project, and the diversity and quality of submissions received, confirmed that there is a wealth of (often untapped) talent in our corner of the world.   We anticipate that submissions this year will be equally as exciting.  Submissions are welcome from anyone living in Northern Ireland and we are keen to discover new poetic voices.”

Conor Shields, Director of Community Arts Partnership said:

“The aim of any of our programmes is to help people find or re-discover their own creative force.  Poetry in Motion Community consistently offers a platform for new writing, whether through facilitation or via publication in the anthology. By entitling this year’s project as “Moment”, we are not prescribing a theme, but allowing for a range of possibilities to be represented, from the personal to the universal, from forces that shape to situations that prevail, from movement to stillness. We hope that such a space to reflect will allow poets, new and established, to share their work. ”

Guidelines for submissions

  • This anthology is dedicated to supporting new writing only. Poems previously published must not be submitted
  • Poems should be not more than seventy lines long (including line breaks) 
  • Submissions can be made by email or in hard copy but must be typed, accompanied by your name, address, phone number and email address including a statement that verifies the poem has not been published elsewhere
  • Failure to provide this information will make any submission ineligible
  • Community Arts Partnership is not able to provide individual feedback on any submission and reserves the right to make selections and format adjustments.
  • Submissions should be sent to [email protected] or addressed to Chelley McLear, Poetry in Motion Co-ordinator, Community Arts Partnership, 3-5 Commercial Court, Belfast BT1 2NB.
  • Open submissions must be received by 5pm on Thursday 20th December, 2012.
Last updated 11 years 8 months ago