Call out for 20 creative young people

The Hit the North half term project, our week-long street arts and Good Relations camp, is back!

Community Arts Partnership is looking for 20 young people aged 13 to 19 years of age who wish to attend the Hit the North ½ term Camp.

CAP has been running the Hit the North street art festival for three years and thought spray art would be a suitable medium to explore good relations issues. The Camp will be held in CAP’s offices in the centre of the cathedral quarter and has space for 20 participants. The groups must be cross-community in makeup.

The commitment will be the following:

  • Attendance for the week-long programme
  • Openness to working with new people from different community backgrounds
  • Ability to travel to CAP offices in Donegall Street Place, Belfast, BT1 2FN (Off Donegall Street)

In line with Community Arts Partnership’s accessibility policy the project is free of charge, travel can be reimbursed and lunch provided.

Apply by Thursday 13th April here.

Last updated 7 years 2 months ago