Red Cross

‘Call my Bluff’ Wine Tasting Set to Raise Funds for Red Cross

Wine connoisseurs are being challenged to put their skills to the test to see if they can sniff out a fib at a fundraising ‘Call my Bluff’ event for the British Red Cross on Thursday 15 November 2018, in Belfast’s Harbour Commissioners.

Charlotte King, Senior Fundraiser, Red Cross explains the importance of the fundraising efforts:

“We are delighted to be running the ‘Call my Bluff’ event following on from the success of the event in 2016 which raised £16,000. We are hoping to beat that total in November! Money raised from this event will be used to fund local Red Cross work including; support to people after house fires, floods and other emergencies, independent living services, which assist vulnerable people on their return home from hospital and help prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, community first aid training and support for refugees and asylum seekers. The charity also works in many local schools to help young people develop the skills and confidence to take humanitarian action.”

The Red Cross helps millions of people in the UK and around the world prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies, disasters and conflicts. People are aware of the Red Cross’ important work overseas but may not know about its support for vulnerable people in crisis right here in Northern Ireland. A crisis could be anything from a fire to a flood, a loss of mobility necessitating a wheelchair loan, or having no family support available on being discharged from hospital. Red Cross volunteers provide practical and emotional support for local people facing these situations every week. Across the UK, the Red Cross responds to an emergency every four hours.

Dr Terry Cross OBE, President of the Red Cross in Northern Ireland, discusses the event:

“It is coming into the festive period and we decided to organise a fundraising event which presented people with the opportunity to test their knowledge of wine while also testing their ability to determine if someone is telling a fib.  

“The principle for the event is based on the TV quiz ‘Call my Bluff’.  Participants will be given various wines to sample while a panel of wine experts will each provide a description of the wine that has been supplied.  Only one of the hosts is accurately describing the wine that participants are sampling, so each individual will have to put their own skills and knowledge against the panel. 

Terry adds: “The Red Cross provide an invaluable service and all proceeds raised will be used to support services in Northern Ireland.  This will be a wine tasting event with a twist.”

The event is open to wine connoisseurs and amateurs alike. Tickets are priced at £85 per person, or £850 for a table of ten can be purchased from Eileen Gargan who can be contacted on 07809 566395 or via email [email protected].  Sparkling wine and canapés will be provided on arrival and a fork buffet will be served during the interval.

Last updated 5 years 9 months ago