Call for Groups – Free Arts Workshop Programme

Community Arts Partnership are now programming work for the period May 2013 – March 2014 and inviting community groups and associations to apply for an opportunity to engage in professionally-facilitated, free projects in a range of artistic disciplines.

Community Arts Partnership would like to draw your attention to a range of opportunities in community arts across Northern Ireland.

We have operated a very successful community arts programme for over 10 years across Belfast and now across the region. We are now programming work for the period May 2013 – March 2014 and inviting community groups and associations to apply for an opportunity to engage in professionally-facilitated, free-at-the-point-of-access projects in a range of artistic disciplines. From sculpture to fashion design, music to carnival arts, film to drama, creative writing to dance, we offer a range of artistic possibility, supported by our principal funder, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland with additional support from Belfast City Council Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit.

In applying for this project, we ask you to tell us as fully as possible about what is going on within your group, your community and your area. This helps us build our balanced programme across the region but also gives us a basis to identify need and help us make the case for additional funding for future project work.

We have availability for groups supporting people with a disability or supporting older people on our Side by Side programme. We have opportunities for inter-community and intercultural projects and are keen to support minority ethnic groups too. We have strong links with many other organisations and can signpost groups, whether on our programme or not, to other potential creative projects or arts opportunities.

Whilst there are only 34 formal group places available on the community programme, we are developing new applications for project work all the time and indeed, we are looking at new research methods to engage groups across the region in creative activity. We are developing partnerships with other creative and support organisations, aiming at supporting community groups and associations to improve their access to and engagement in creative activity and community arts.

If you are interested, please fill in the consultation form Group application 13 14 and return to the address provided by Monday 8th April, 2013 no later than 4pm.


Last updated 11 years 3 months ago