One World Festival pic

Call for Events - One World Festival 2019

CADA NI is delighted to announce our inaugural One World Festival, taking place across NI from 16th-27th October 2019. We would love your organisation to get involved by hosting your own event in collaboration with us! Please read on for more info.

One World Festival aims to increase awareness about the Global South, promote understanding of issues that affect the lives of the poorest people and inspire action in our communities towards a just, peaceful and sustainable world.

The Festival welcomes submissions of events, including; talks, discussions, workshops, film, theatre/drama, comedy, music, exhibitions, poetry and more - in fact, we encourage any ideas that promote understanding about global issues. 

Our deadline for submissions is 1st July 2019. Please find further information in the Overview document, linked below, as well as our Event Proposal form, which can be returned to with your event ideas by the 1st July deadline. 

The Festival will inspire action in our communities towards a just, peaceful and sustainable world. Don't miss your opportunity to join thousands of people across NI in celebrating One World this year. 

Have a question or want more infomation? Please don't hesitate to get in touch at or visit!

Last updated 5 years 9 months ago