Action Cancer


Action Cancer is calling on local businesses to get involved in their ‘Paint the Town Pink’ campaign this Autumn to raise vital funds for its cancer services.

Action Cancer is the only charity in Northern Ireland to provide Breast Screening to women aged 40–49 and 70+, ages that are not included in the NHS screening programme.

Every month, 1000 appointments are provided and on average 6 women receive a cancer diagnosis through the service, which is available from Action Cancer House in Belfast and regionally on board the Big Bus.

Lucy McCusker, Corporate Fundraising Manager at Action Cancer, explains how businesses can get involved:

“This year we are asking businesses to put their individual stamp on the ‘Paint the Town Pink’ campaign, so that it works for their set up.  Any fundraising activity, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated.  Each business taking part in ‘Paint the Town Pink’ campaign will receive a FREE pink spotty pack full of fundraising materials including pink pin badges, chocolate bars, bunting, collection boxes and ideas on how to raise money. The campaign is being sponsored by our corporate partner Johnsons Coffee who have provided a packet of their own brew filter coffee for every pink pack.”

Lucy adds: “If anything, the pandemic has made us aware of just how much local people rely on our early detection breast screening clinics.  The campaign support that we have received so far from members of the business community has been fantastic. We are delighted to find out about the exciting and innovative ways businesses are ‘thinking pink’ to raise money.

“I’d like to thank all of the businesses who have agreed to take part and who are putting lots of energy and love into raising funds. We hope to have 100 businesses and individuals taking part throughout October and November. Not only is it great to have so many people actively raising funds, but it’s also good to be raising awareness and encouraging women to use our lifesaving breast screening service.”

Calling on businesses to ‘think pink’, Johnson Brothers Group Commercial Director Philip Mills adds:

“Johnson Brothers are delighted to be a part of the ‘Paint the Town Pink’ campaign once again, helping to ensure Action Cancer continues to offer its early detection screening service.  So few businesses have been untouched by the pandemic this year, but equally so few charities have been untouched.  We are more aware than ever before of just how much Action Cancer needs our support. If your business can ‘think pink’ and get involved in any way I would urge you to support this great cause!”

Outlining how a local business is getting involved, Jude Law, owner of Jude Law Boutique says:

“At Jude Law Boutique we are passionate about supporting the Action Cancer ‘Paint the Town Pink’ campaign. We have been involved with this initiative for the last three years and feel strongly about helping a local charity which offers breast screening and health checks. We are delighted to be sponsoring the visit of the Big Bus to Magherafelt in October helping to raise awareness within the community of Action Cancer’s lifesaving early detection services and fundraising efforts.”

Despite losing out on 40% of fundraising income since the beginning of the pandemic Action Cancer continues to provide their life saving breast screening service. The charity reopened its doors in August 2020 following the first lockdown and have provided over 4000 breast screening appointments to local ladies aged 40 – 49 and 70+ detecting around 20 cancers and providing peace of mind to thousands of others. 

Paint The Town Pink is taking place during Breast Cancer Awareness Month so is the perfect time to remind all women of the importance of Screening and being breast aware.

Breast Screening from 40 is proven to reduce deaths from breast cancer as cancers are found early. We encourage all women aged 50-70 to attend their local NHS screening facility when called and for women aged 40-49 and over 70, please continue to attend our Action Cancer service . Demand for appointments is high and you may have to book several months in advance but rest assured it’s worth the wait!

Women with breast concerns are not eligible for screening but should be urgently assessed by a GP and referred to a breast symptomatic service for quicker investigation.

If you would like to get involved in the ‘Paint the Town Pink’ campaign or would like more information on Action Cancer services please call 07743 416325 or email [email protected]

Last updated 2 years 9 months ago