Bunnies and eggs, of the chocolate variety, for Easter explorers

The Woodland Trust is inviting families to discover the hidden gems of Carnmoney Hill in Newtownabbey this Easter.

Don welly boots and put a spring in your step on Saturday 26 March, from 11am to 4pm. Woodland Trust staff will point you in the right direction; then follow the clues to complete a self-guided trail through this fabulous woodland.  Young nature detectives, having completed the woodland adventure, will each be rewarded with a scrumptious Easter egg.  

The conservation charity wants everyone – local people and visitors – to feast their eyes upon the natural and built heritage of Carnmoney Hill.  This green oasis of woodland, parts of it ancient, is home to a variety of wildlife including buzzards and long-eared owls.  And recently the remains of a Victorian farmstead and limekiln have been unearthed, thanks to the Belfast Hills Partnership. 

Michelle McCaughtry, the Trust’s people engagement officer, says: “Families can discover the beauty of Carnmoney at their own pace, by way of a fun and informative woodland trail.

“This is a wonderful time of the year, with spring definitely in the air.  Look out for a variety of wildflowers, such as wood anemone and lesser celandine.  And enjoy spectacular views over Belfast Lough and the surrounding countryside.  It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a breath of fresh air, while giving children the opportunity to get close to nature.”

The journey begins at the entrance to Carnmoney Hill via Knockenagh Avenue, just off the O’Neill Road.  Children must be accompanied by an adult. A donation of £2 per child is suggested; each child will receive a tasty Easter treat.

Booking in advance is essential.  Find out more and book online at www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/events  

Last updated 8 years 4 months ago