Building Change Trust Trust Hoping to Appoint Two New Directors

The Building Change Trust is hoping two appoint two new directors who will help the current board continue their work of transforming and improving the community and voluntary sector in Northern Ireland.

The corporate Trustee of the Building Change Trust; the Building Change Trust Limited wishes to augment its current Board of Directors through the appointment of additional Directors.

The Trustee has the power to appoint both full Directors, who will become members of the company and/or co-opted Directors, who will not be members of the company.

Particularly interested in individuals with experience in the areas of Finance and Communications/Marketing, the Trust also welcomes applications from individuals with a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience.

On average the time commitment expected is approximately 10 days per year, to date, the Board has been meeting approximately 6 times per annum.

In addition to the main Board there are also a Finance and General Purposes sub committee which meets in advance of the Board meetings and an Evaluation sub group. Given the Trust’s current and future work plans it is anticipated that further sub groups will be established.

The position of Director is unpaid; however the Trust will reimburse out of pocket expenses incurred by Directors in carrying out their role.
For an informal conversation about the Trust and the role of Directors please contact the Chairperson, Bill Osborne on 028 90 200850

A full list of criteria for the role, as well as an outline on the Building Change Trust's goals and achievements to date can be downloaded as a Word document by clicking here and a PDF by clicking here.

Application is by means of the application form available on the Trust website and CV’s cannot be accepted. The application form can be downloaded by clicking here.
The closing date is Friday 10 August 2012 at 4.30pm.

Last updated 12 years ago