Building a better future for local children: Keylite go for gold for NSPCC

Businesses from across Northern Ireland’s construction industry recently took to the roads to help the Keylite team achieve their goal of covering 201.2 km as part of the Gold Challenge for NSPCC.

Making a fantastic contribution to the children’s charity, participants braved some of the most demanding cycling and running routes in the country, to help support vital services for children and families in Northern Ireland.

John Duffin, Managing Director of Keylite said: “Participants came from far and wide to show their support for this worthy cause. Employees, local merchants, friends and family took to the challenge and really entered into the spirit of the event. A fun day was had by all, not to mention how successful we were in gaining fundraising and sponsorship.

“Thanks to all who participated, contributed, and showed their support over the last few months.”

Starting in Cookstown, the route passed through Tyrone, Armagh and County Down before concluding at the Boucher Road, Belfast. Cheering the weary band across the finish line, NSPCC corporate fundraising manager Claire Quigley said:

“Keylite and their trade colleagues should be really proud of their contribution. It was a really great day and a worthy challenge for participants, not to mention paying dividends for the children and families we support.

“We know that around one in five children has been severely abused or neglected in childhood. While the NSPCC has been working for more than 125 years to help children in danger or distress to recover from harm, we know that cruelty remains widespread and many children still need our help.

“Together we can help shape a society where abuse doesn’t go unchallenged, where children are empowered to seek out help, and where every call for support can be answered.”    

The Gold Challenge, a non-profit organisation, is part of the mass participation legacy programme for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the NSPCC is one of 125 ‘Gold Challenge Partners’.  

Last updated 11 years 9 months ago