Build Your Digital Audience

Build Your Digital Audience

Want to learn more about the stories and channels to use to build your audience online? VIEWdigital is offering discounted places for small Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise organisations in our Lunchtime Learning Seminar on February 16 in Belfast.

The lunchtime learning seminar led by Damian Donnelly and Una Murphy will provide an overview of Digital Media Trends – video, podcasting, infographics, photographs – and why these different types of media content are important as a means to optimise your visual digital storytelling. Plus the latest information on what social media channels to use to reach a bigger audience.

Participants will get an expert overview on the best ways to create media content on a low cost budget and to communicate their organisations’ stories on digital channels.

• Thursday, February 16, 12 noon to 2pm at City East Business Centre, Belfast

• Price £89 with 33% discount for Voluntary, Community Social Enterprise

For further details and bookings contact VIEWdigital via our website contact page

Last updated 7 years 5 months ago
Build Your Digital Audience