Brexit & Parcel Deliveries: Guidance is needed to save deliveries between GB and NI

With Brexit just around the corner, The Consumer Council is concerned with reports of retailers and parcel operators withdrawing deliveries between Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI).

Kellin McCloskey, Head of Postal Policy at The Consumer Council, said: “In the last few days some retailers and parcel operators have announced plans to withdraw or suspend deliveries between GB and NI.

“With less than two weeks before the United Kingdom (UK) leaves the European Union (EU), parcel operators still have not been given guidance on how parcels between GB and NI will be processed to be compliant with the NI Protocol, which is forcing many operators to make the decision to suspend or withdraw deliveries between GB and NI."

Kellin added: “Considering GB is NI’s most popular market for purchasing goods, and with the increasing reliance on shopping online due to the pandemic, withdrawing these services is particularly concerning for NI consumers.

“To minimise the impact of further retailers and parcel operators leaving the NI market, The Consumer Council has written to the UK Government seeking for urgent clarity to be given to parcel operators.”


Data sources:

  1. Reports of Parcel Operators suspending deliveries from GB to NI: Source 1Source 2
  2. GB, NI Biggest Market (The Consumer Council, December 2020)
  3. Overview of Northern Ireland Trade (NISRA, June 2020)
Last updated 3 years 6 months ago