Breaking eNews! Newsletter reaches new milestone

eNews has become something of a ‘must read’ for those working within the voluntary and community sector. Published every Monday, you are guaranteed to come across something of interest each week, so if you haven’t already done so why not subscribe!

eNews recently reached a new milestone with the sign up of our two thousandth subscriber, and new subscriptions are added every day. eNews is free to everyone and there are no restrictions on the number of subscribers from an organisation. So if you want to keep up to date with all the latest happenings in the voluntary and community sector sign up today. 

Signing up is easy

Just visit our website and enter your email address. 

Not convinced? Then read on for some of our readers’ views…

"NICVA eNews – this is a super source of information provided in bite sized chunks." Claire, VOYPIC

"Many thanks for the eNews, I always find something interesting in it and regularly chop out little pieces to forward to students and colleagues." Emma, The Science Shop

"I am just writing to say how useful I find NICVA’s eNews…It is an invaluable source of information to the RYANI and invaluable to myself as it often shows where current trends are going in terms of funding or best practice. Thank You!"  Mary, RYANI

Share your news

In addition to receiving news about the sector each week eNews can provide a valuable medium for organisations to raise awareness of news, events, funding opportunities, jobs and anything else you can think of. If you would like to submit an article for eNews then just email [email protected] with the subject line “Submission to eNews”.

We try to include as much information as possible but due to the high volume of submissions each week the editor sometimes has to make tough decisions about what to include and what to leave out. The best way to make it in is to keep your article short and sweet (around 100 words) and include a link to your website for more information. If you don’t have your information on a website then why not upload it to, where it's free to register and you can add your own content instantly.

Get in touch

If you want to find out more about eNews or would like to get in touch with the editor email [email protected] or call 028 9087 7777. Previous editions of eNews can be found at We are always happy to hear from our readers so if you have any comments or suggestions please get in touch.

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago