‘Border Lives’ producing six short documentary films featuring local people

An exciting storytelling project called 'Border Lives' is currently producing six short films capturing people's life and experiences along the border region of Northern Ireland, covering years from the 1940s, the troubles and to the present day.

The Border Lives project is run by Tyrone Donegal Partnership and funded by the European Union's PEACE III Programme, managed for the Special EU Programmes Body by the Community Relations Council/ Pobal Consortium. 


Each of the six films focuses on a different location along the border and the team have gathered a breadth of perspectives and stories from local people so far. Whilst a lot of filming has taken place already, the 'Border Lives' project team are continuing their search for local people in areas like Castlederg and Strabane for anyone who may be interested in coming forward to share and tell their story.


Border Lives have released a short preview film to show just a taster of the interviews and stories that have taken place so far. You can view the film here: http://borderlives.eu/the-films


Once the films are completed, they will be available on a new website to be used as an education tool and historical documentation.


Project Officer, Sarah Bryden, said:


“The most important part of this project are the people who we talk to, and each film will be shaped by the individuals who take part. The stories we’ve heard and filmed already have been fascinating and really give a sense of the uniqueness of life along the border.


“This project will be of the highest quality, not only technically, but ethically. We are collaborating with local production company, Macmillan Media, who are specifically skilled in handling personal stories responsibly. The team have spent a lot of time speaking to communities and ensuring that we approach these films sensitively and honestly.”


Any individuals or groups who might be interested in participating can contact the project team. Visit www.borderlives.eu or contact the Border Lives office on +44(0)28 8225 2112 or email [email protected]


A project supported by PEACE III Programme managed for the Special EU Programmes Body by the Community Relations Council/Pobal Consortium.

The Special EU Programmes Body is the Managing Authority for the European Union’s PEACE III Programme.

Last updated 10 years 4 months ago