Boots/”Mind The Gap” Awareness Sessions for Carers launched

As part of the Mind the Gap Programme Boots have given the project a massive boost by organising two awareness raising events at two of the busiest shopping centres in Belfast.

On Thursday 18 September 2014 (10.00 to 17.00)  Boots Staff, representatives from Belfast Carers Centre, representatives of Belfast Health Trust, Mind the Gap Staff and Carer Volunteers  held an awareness raising event at Kennedy Shopping Centre and a similar event on 26 September at Connswater Shopping Centre. The event aimed to raise awareness of carers and identify carers not currently in receipt of support. Information leaflets and support workers were  readily avaliable and the Boots staff  carried out health checks and pampering sessions.

Sean Caughey Development Manager NI Carers Trust commented " The programme is deeply indebted to Marie Smith of Boots and Eileen Sweeney Partner Support Worker  Carers Trust for putting so much work into arranging what  was  a very valuable awareness session. It is the intention that similar sessions will be arranged right throughout Northern Ireland which can only be good for those hidden carers most in need. The benefits of partnership working was clearly evident at these events and many carers were helped in a very practical way

For more inofmation contact:

Sean Caughey | NI Development Manager
Tel: | Mob: 07791 230694 |

Last updated 10 years 3 months ago