Body Wisdom

A performance project for people over 50 which involves creating a movement based performance piece to perform in the Millennium Forum Studio in March 2012. Led by Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company in partnership with The Worker's Educational Association.

Are you aged 50+ and interested in dance and movement? Maybe you are creative in other ways and would like to extend your creativity into another area? Maybe you just loved to dance when you were younger and are looking for a new opportunity to dance once again. Maybe you have been put off by the idea of having to keep up with the athleticism of younger dancers. If so, then this is the project for you.

There are places available for new participants. Former experience in dance is not necessary. Also, if you would prefer not to perform, your contribution to the course and process is still valued and important.

Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company has collaborated with The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) over the years to create many wonderful dance projects together. "Body Wisdom" has run successfully over the past three years with a beautiful performance "Mapping Memories" in April this year. We are delighted to announce that "Body Wisdom" - this dance course with a difference - is now extending its programme with new funding from the BBC Performing Arts Fund.

Forget about needing to be young and athletic. In this project the wisdom and experience written into the bones, muscles and sinews of older people is a positive advantage.

The movement style that Steve Batts will use is very relaxed and exploratory. With his support and guidance each participant will follow their own imagination to create movement images related to specific memories of places and landscapes.

The sessions will be accompanied by musician Christopher Norby who will develop a music score to accompany the piece.

This is an opportunity to explore your body, your memories and the links between the two. It will get you in touch with your creative, poetic sensibility and will help you to enjoy your physicality no matter how fit or unfit, able bodied or disabled you consider yourself to be. The idea is to appreciate the depth and wisdom that comes with age and to value the more purposeful, reflective, physical rhythms of those of us who are over 50. The performance piece will be presented in a calm and friendly environment.

Steve Batts says: "I like to work with older people. I am just 50 myself and although I enjoy working with young athletic people, as an older dancer-choreographer I find my heart more often touched by sharing the movement world of people who have age and experience in their bodies. I am very excited about the opportunity to follow up the beautiful Body Wisdom project that I led earlier in 2010 and 2011."

Body Wisdom is funded by the BBC Performing Arts Fund, The Atlantic Philanthropies and The Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

The project will run on Friday mornings at the new Echo Echo Dance Studio at 13, Bishop Street from 21st October 10am – 12 Noon. For more information or to book a place, contact Sinead Devine @ WEA on 028 71 36 99 47 or Echo Echo @ 028 7130 8883.


Last updated 12 years 3 months ago