Belfast joins Open Data Institute global network

Belfast has joined 20 cities across the globe by joining the Open Data Institute’s global network. NICVA will be developing a new learning and network node at their north Belfast headquarters, offering training right across Northern Ireland.

ODI Nodes contribute to the development of open data and seek to ensure citizens are able to use data to bring about social, economic and environmental changes.

Belfast will be a ‘learning node’, where workshops, events and training with ODI Registered Trainers will be provided, and a ‘network node’ where the key responsibility is to bring together open data communities by hosting events, producing open data case studies and helping promote understanding of open data in their regions.

Seamus McAleavey, ODI Belfast at NICVA, said: 

“Northern Ireland is moving towards a more open culture, and we are excited to be the first ODI Node here. NICVA sees the potential for change and the role open data has to encourage it. We want to see open data production use flourish in all sectors in Northern Ireland and we believe that open data can be a catalyst for improving democratic participation and evidence-based policy.”

The ODI’s open data network brings together companies, universities and NGOs who are committed to building openness into their operations, and ensuring data is for everyone. There is now at least one node in six of the world’s continents. Only Antarctica remains unrepresented.

Richard Stirling, International Director at the ODI added:

“The open data movement continues to gain momentum in the UK and around the world - our six new nodes are testament to this. We look forward to working alongside them to improve data literacy through training, and to energise and educate other local organisations about the social, economic and environmental benefits of open data.”

Each ODI node adopts the ODI Charter - an open source codification of the principles and rules which the ODI uses to develop open data impact. 


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Last updated 9 years 1 month ago