Belfast from Blitz to Glitz

Belfast from Blitz to Glitz

October is positive ageing month. Enjoy a Fun lunch with street celebration on the menu from Fleadh to war end or Festival. Share your own human stories that could be lost, from dressing up to stealing your first kiss

Join us for a fun lunch with street celebration on the menu from Fleadh to war end or Festival. Share your own human stories that could be lost, from dressing up to stealing your first kiss.Belfast:Blitz to Glitz

Belfast from Blitz to Glitz Sandy Row Community Centre 11am-2pm 19 October

Join us for a fun lunch with street celebration on the menu from Fleadh to war end or Festival. Share your own human stories that could be lost, from dressing up to stealing your first kiss. Bring your street photos & memorabilia. Enjoy lunch & create a special online memory capsule.

Book online here

or call Grainne on 07703189048 after 23 September - leave your name and contact number slowly on the voice mail if you do not get through.

If you would like to volunteer at this event and enjoy the nostalgia we would love your help please send us an email

[email protected]


Free event organised as part of postive ageing month by Eden Project Communities - the people behind The Big Lunch annual day for neighbours.

Donations towards Belfast Refugee Welcome centre project on the day.

Last updated 6 years 9 months ago