Image shows calendar showing March 21st Census Day

Be A Part Of Census 2021

Census 2021 is here and you should have received your pack in the post. You don't have to wait until census day you can complete as soon as your pack arrives. Here's a guide on how to complete and the help available.

Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021. The census gives us a picture of all the people and households in Northern Ireland. It gathers vital information that helps plan and fund public services, such as transport, education and health. By taking part and encouraging others to do the same, you will help make sure your local area gets the services it needs.

It’s easy to fill in your census questionnaire online. You can complete on any device and it only takes around 20 minutes per household.

1. Use the pack we sent in the post at the start of March which contains your household access code.

2. Go to and select “Start census”.

3. Enter your household access code. You can find this 16 digit code on the letter in your pack.

4. Answer the questions and submit when complete.

There will be plenty of help available for people who need it, including:

• guidance and support in 17 languages

• support in British and Irish Sign Language (BSL/ISL)

• paper questionnaires available on request

• large-print questionnaires and guidance

• braille guidance booklets

• an easy read information leaflet containing accessible messages and pictures

• field staff visiting households to support completion after Census Day

To find out more visit


Last updated 3 years 3 months ago