BBCNI Christmas Appeal - Playing Our Part

BBCNI Christmas Appeal

Everybody needs somebody. All of us can feel lonely at different times in our lives. For many of us,this experience is temporary. But for others, the effects of loneliness can be harder to deal with and overcome.

Loneliness can become an issue for us at times of transition in our lives – starting a new school, college or job; following a bereavement or relationship breakdown; taking on caring responsibilities; retirement or unemployment; or becoming a parent with all of the demands that this can involve. All of these situations mean that people may need just a little help in re-connecting with the world around them.

Loneliness isn’t in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked. Having a mental health problem can increase your chances of feeling lonely. And feeling lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health. Each of us can make life feel less lonely for someone else… Even small actions can make a big difference.

  • Conversation – catch up with an old friend, or say hello to someone new. Ask someone if they are ok.
  • Connection – reach out to the people around you – friends and family, neighbours and colleagues.
  • Community – become part of something bigger – join a club or charity, or go along to neighbourhood events. Get involved and help others to do the same.

Find out how you can become involved at and there is a wealth of information and advice at

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago