A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Southern Area Hospice Services

Southern Area Hospice Services cares for approximately 1000 local people with life-limiting illnesses each year.

Its work includes counselling and therapy services, day care and in-patient services, outpatient clinics, homecare support, information and resources and bereavement support. Many of these activities depend on volunteers.

The charity needs to to raise approximately £2.38 million each year to provide all of these different services. This is equivalent to £6,520 per day.

You can find out more about Southern Area Hospice Services and the ways in which you can help, or get involved with its work, by emailing the charity at [email protected] or visiting the charity’s website www.southernareahospiceservices.org.

You can support Southern Area Hospice Services by making a secure online donation here

Alternatively, you can send a cheque or postal order to: The Appeals Office, Broadcasting House, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast BT2 8HQ.

To find out more please visit bbc.co.uk/niappeals

Last updated 8 years 8 months ago