A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Samaritans

A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Samaritans

Samaritans are there for people when they need support - whether they are suicidal or just need someone to talk to when they are struggling to cope. They are there at any time of the day or night, every day of the year.

Samaritans always need new volunteers and there are many different types of volunteering opportunity available. From supporting callers on the phone, by email or face to face or by using other skills such as IT, social media or fundraising. Volunteers will get the opportunity to develop new skills and make new friendships. You don't need to have previous experience to volunteer with Samaritans but you do need to be interested in other people and to have some spare time available. 

You can find out more and listen to the Appeal and other short interivews by visiting bbc.co.uk/niappeals


Last updated 6 years 11 months ago
A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Samaritans