A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Kids4school

A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Kids4school

Kids4school is a non-denominational Christian charity that was started in 2009 by Rev Tom Robinson. Its aim is to provide schooling opportunities for children and young people in Tanzania.

Education can transform lives and unlock potential. It can also provide pupils with important, life-changing experiences.  In Tanzania, these opportunities can be limited for some people. Poverty means that many families cannot afford school uniforms and fees. 

Kids4school depends on its volunteers and local people’s generosity. All of the funds that are raised go directly to the children in Tanzania. The charity provides equipment for the schools, does classroom repairs, and builds water storage tanks and toilet blocks. And in addition, the children that the charity supports are provided with a hot meal in school each day.

Any donation, however small, can make a big difference to the assistance that Kids4school can provide to children in Tanzania.  To make an online donation please click here

You can also send a postal order or cheque to:  Kids4school, The Appeals office, BBC Northern Ireland, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, BT2 8HQ.

You can find out more about the charity by calling 028 2827 2998 or by visiting the Kids4school website or the charity's Facebook page

Last updated 7 years 1 month ago