A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Christians Against Poverty

A BBC Radio Ulster Appeal on behalf of Christians Against Poverty

Christians Against Poverty is a UK-wide charity that works to address some of the causes and effects of poverty.

CAP operates different services at locations throughout Northern Ireland, working in partnership with local churches. The support it provides is free, confidential and focussed on people’s individual needs.

CAP team of Debt Coaches can help people to manage their household budget – and to sort things out when debt has got out of control.  The charity also provides training and support for people who are looking for a job, or who need to develop their skills and confidence in getting back into work.

You can find out more about CAP’s work and how to access its services by telephoning  0800 3280 006. Details about the CAP team nearest to where you live can be found by using the postcode search on the charity’s website: www.capuk.org/i-want-help

To find out more pelase visit bbc.co.uk/niappeals

Last updated 7 years 5 months ago