BBC Northern Ireland - Broadcast Appeals

Applications are now being invited for upcoming Broadcast Appeal slots on local television and radio. These opportunities will be available from December 2022 onwards.

Applicant organisations should operate, or provide benefits for, people on a region-wide or sub-regional basis and have good accountability arrangements in place for their work.  Applicants should additionally be able to demonstrate how they will use their Appeal opportunity and what they hope it might achieve.

Application forms and assessment criteria for Broadcast Appeal slots are available online at  They can also be obtained by contacting Paula Gilmurray on 07813968839 or by email [email protected]. Completed application forms should be submitted no later than 5pm on Wednesday 29th June 2021.

Broadcast Appeals – Short Briefing Session

Our short briefing session will provide some useful advice on the application process (including the information that we’ll need about your organisation, its work and governance) and what makes a successful Appeal.

Tuesday 21st June 2022, 10.30am – 11:30am, BBC Blackstaff House, Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7BB.

Pre-registration is required. To confirm attendance, or to find out more about this event, please telephone Paula on 07813968839 or contact us by email at [email protected].

Last updated 2 years ago