BBC Children in Need Outreach Sessions

BBC Children in Need is hosting a series of outreach sessions across NI to encourage new applications and to explain how our grant strategy works in practice. One-to-one advise sessions are available by appointment. Contact 028 9033 8221 for more info

BBC Children in Need’s vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential.  We seek to realise this vision by supporting, promoting and publicising work that addresses the challenges that children and young people face and work that builds their skills and resilience.

Right now BBC Children in Need is funding 236 projects in towns and villages all over Northern Ireland with grants totalling over £6m. These are projects working with children and young people who need a bit of support in order to get the best out of life. They may be sick or living in poverty; they may have been abused or neglected or have a disability or be dealing with other challenges that the groups we fund can help them to overcome.

This year because of the generosity of everyone who donates to the charity, over £3m will be spent on projects working with disadvantaged children and young people here in Northern Ireland. We want to ensure that everyone who is involved in this work, no matter how small your project, knows about the opportunity to secure some funding to support positive outcomes for children and young people in your area.

BBC Children in Need is therefore hosting a series of outreach sessions across Northern Ireland to encourage new applications and to explain how our grant strategy works out in practice.

For grants of less than £10,000 we are basically open all year round with 5 decision dates and a turnaround period of 2 months. For grants of more than £10,000 there are 3 closing dates in the year and it is now a 2-stage process, taking 5 months to complete. All our funding is focused on the outcomes you hope to achieve through your project.

We’d like to explain our approach to you in more detail, both generally about the charity and our aims, and to give you a chance to talk specifically about your project to one of our staff.  We will have people on hand to demonstrate and support you to go through the online application process, hands on, to explain and simplify what’s needed to make an application. 

Below is a list of dates and venues when we will be available to meet with you and to share our priorities and requirements. Please get in touch with us at the contact number below to arrange an individual consultation or just come along to the event to hear a bit more about what we do.  It’d be great if you can let us know in advance if you will be there.


10 April 2014     

10.00am – 1.00pm          

The Playhouse, Artillery Street

Mid Ulster                         

11 April 2014     

10.00am – 1.00pm          

Rural Community Network, Cookstown


29 April 2014     

10.00am – 1.00pm          

BBC Blackstaff, Great Victoria Street, Belfast


30 April 2014     

10.00am – 1.00pm          

Ballybot House, Newry  

Contact Details:

028 9033 8221

[email protected]

Last updated 10 years 2 months ago