BBC Children in Need grants a further £917,833 in Northern Ireland

BBC Children in Need has awarded a further £917,833 to support projects working with disadvantaged children and young people in NI. The Charity now supports over 200 projects in towns and villages across NI with grants totalling almost £7 million.

One of these projects is Cúnamh in Derry that works with teenagers who are at risk of developing an eating disorder. The threshold for medical intervention is currently high, with support available only at an advanced stage of the condition. This early intervention programme of counselling and therapy for young people and support for siblings and family members is designed to promote recovery before more acute symptoms develop.

Cathy Nelis, Project Coordinator at Cúnamh said:

“Eating disorders are preventable and recovery is possible. However, the key to this is identifying the signs at an early stage and having the immediate support accessible for sufferers and carers. We are delighted to be supported by BBC Children In Need to deliver this much needed and very exciting project.”

Paddy Sloan, National Head of Northern Ireland for BBC Children in Need said:

“It’s great to be  awarding further funding in  Northern Ireland to support projects like Cúnamh where children and young people are helped to manage and overcome big challenges in their lives . These grants are only made possible thanks to the incredible support we get from fundraisers each year.  Organisations working with children and young people who would like to apply for funding in future rounds should visit the grants section on our website to find out more about our grant programmes, or just give us a call at the Belfast office.”

Terry Wogan, BBC Children in Need’s Life President said:

“BBC Children in Need raised a phenomenal £49.6m in 2013 and every penny has gone on to help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people right here in Northern Ireland and throughout the UK.   Without your fundraising efforts and kind donations none of these grants would have been possible.  Thank you, your support really will go on to make a difference.”

BBC Children in Need relies on the support and creativity of thousands of fundraisers and supporters across the UK who donate their time, money and energy to help raise millions for the Charity. Every penny of the money raised is distributed through BBC Children in Need’s main and small grants programmes. 

For further information or to visit a BBC Children in Need supported project in Northern Ireland please contact  [email protected] or on 028 9033 8221 or log on to




Notes to Editors:

The BBC Children in Need Appeal is a charity registered in England and Wales (802052) and Scotland (SC039557) whose aim is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

BBC Children in Need’s vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential.  We will realise this vision by supporting, promoting and publicising work that addresses the challenges that children and young people face and work that builds their skills and resilience.

We are currently supporting over 2,600 projects that are working with children facing a range of disadvantages for example, poverty and deprivation; children who have been the victims of abuse or neglect or disabled young people.


Issued: Friday, July 04 2014

For further information please contact Siobhan McKenna in BBC Children in Need, 028 90338221

Last updated 9 years 11 months ago