BBC Broadcast Appeals

BBC Broadcast Appeals give local charities the opportunity to tell BBC audiences about their work, raise awareness and appeal for funds/volunteers. Appeals are broadcast on TV and radio and April's featured Lifeline charity is VOYPIC.

BBC LifeLine - Sunday 22, Monday 23 and Wednesday 25 April - A local version of the Lifeline programme is broadcast twice a year on BBC Northern Ireland television. It profiles the work and support needs of a featured charity and also includes news about developments within the community and voluntary sectors.

VOYPIC is Lifeline's featured charity in April 2012. Established in 1996, VOYPIC seeks to improve the life chances of children and young people in care. The charity works with the five local health and social care trusts and has offices in Ballymena, Belfast, Derry and Lurgan. VOYPIC used its Lifeline Appeal to attract volunteer mentors for young people in care.

In this programme, Vivian McConvey, Chief Executive of VOYPIC talks about its work with young people in care across Northern Ireland. The programme also includes interviews with Wendy Osborne, Director of Volunteer Now, Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive of NICVA and Mark Adair, Head of Corporate and Community Affairs in BBC Northern Ireland. 

Click to view the Lifeline programme on the BBC website.

VOYPIC can be contacted on 028 9024 4888, email [email protected] or through the VOYPIC website

Broadcasts and applications

These short programmes are broadcast throughout the year on BBC Northern Ireland television and radio. All Broadcast Appeals are produced with technical and editorial support from the BBC. They reach a large and diverse audience and contribute to wider community awareness of issues and developments within the charitable sector.

Applications for Broadcast Appeal slots are generally accepted twice a year. If you would like further information, please contact the Appeals Office on 028 9033 8210.

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago