Avoid parcel delivery scams with top tips from the Consumer Council

As consumers in Northern Ireland continue to do more online shopping due to the impact of COVID-19, the Consumer Council has compiled some top tips to help them avoid becoming victims of parcel delivery scams.

Michael Legg, Interim Head of Postal Policy at the Consumer Council said, “Scammers are claiming to be from legitimate organisations, such as the bank, telecom providers, HMRC and parcel delivery companies. Over the last year, with the increase in online shopping and sending parcels to loved ones, a growing scam involves consumers receiving an email or text message about a fake parcel delivery. The message or email asks consumers to click on a link to reschedule a delivery or pay a small fee to have an item delivered, and fraudsters use these details to scam the victim out of money.

“To help increase consumers’ knowledge and avoid being scammed, we have compiled some top tips to help consumers stay safe against this type of scam”.

The Consumer Council’s top tips are as follows:

  • Do not click on links in an email or text message - if you are genuinely expecting a delivery, contact the seller/sender directly to ask what parcel company they have used and when your order will be delivered.
  • Never share personal or banking information - such as your bank sort code, account number or password.
  • Check if the message is personal - does it include your first and last name? Does it refer to a genuine online order you recently placed? If not this is a sign it is probably a scam.
  • Watch out for spelling and grammar mistakes - this is often a sign of a scam.
  • Check the web address of the website you are being directed to - make sure the link matches the parcel company’s genuine website.
  • Report suspicious texts - forward suspicious texts to 7726 to report them to your operator. An easy way to remember this number is it spells SPAM on your keypad.

Michael added, Scammers are becoming more sophisticated so it is more important than ever that consumers remain vigilant when they receive messages asking them to click on a link so they can arrange a parcel delivery. Our research shows that less than half of Northern Ireland consumers know where to report a scam, which is concerning as 40% have been targeted by a scam in the last three years.

“For more top tips on how to spot and avoid various types of scams, visit our website www.consumercouncil.org.uk/scams.”

If you think you have targeted by a scam report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or the PSNI on 101.

Last updated 2 years 11 months ago