Aviva Community Fund Opening 13th September

On September 13th the Aviva Community Fund will open for 2016. Find out more and see if you could be one of the hundreds of community projects and organisations throughout the UK which will benefit from an Aviva Community Fund award.

NICVA is extremely happy to be partnering with Aviva to help promote the Aviva Community Fund. We also hope to work with all of you to ensure that Northern Ireland has the best possible opportunity to be represented amongst the Aviva Community Fund winners!   

Together we can do more for the causes you care about

Do you have an idea for a project that would make a real difference in your community? Or is there already something in your community that would benefit from extra funding?

Whether you’re trying to solve a problem, speed up an on-going project or help in some other way, this is your chance to make a real difference to your local community. And it all starts with you entering your great idea.

The Aviva Community Fund can help you make more of your resources. Fingers crossed, it could also give you vital funding of up to £25,000 for a cause close to your heart.

Local community projects and organisations throughout the UK can benefit from the hundreds of awards available through the Aviva Community Fund, nurturing our country’s proud tradition of grassroots community improvement.   

The power to make a difference is in your hands

Aviva want to support all kinds of community projects both big and small, so they have four funding levels you can apply for:

• Up to £1,000
• Up to £5,000
• Up to £10,000
• Up to £25,000

To qualify, your project has to be for the greater good of the community, making positive changes to people’s lives in one of these six categories:

Health, disability and well-being

Projects related to looking after people’s health and well-being. These projects could include anything from active living and hospice care to community centres running well-being initiatives.

Supporting the younger generation

Projects that look after younger people, support family life and young people, education programmes, scouts groups, and more.

Supporting the older generation

Projects that offer help and support to the older generation, such as befriending and listening services, dementia charities, projects helping people older people get online, and more.

Sport in the community

Projects for community and grass roots sports clubs. This could include all-ages, or age-specific projects, or sports activities aimed at encouraging particular groups of people to become more active.

Environment in association with the Mirror

Projects that restore, protect, connect communities with and/or encourage the use of green spaces such as community parks, wildlife habitats and woodlands. Or projects that support or enable environmental initiatives such as recycling, renewable energy projects or environmentally friendly building methods.

Community support

Use this category if your project will have a positive effect on your community, but doesn’t fit into the categories above. It could be a community development project, a project looking after the welfare of animals, or something else entirely.

Get the community behind you

Once voting starts, it’s time to rally your community around your entry.

Everyone who registers at aviva.co.uk/community-fund gets 10 votes. Each person can cast their votes in any way they want at any time during the voting phase. Voters can spread them around or use all 10 to really get behind one project.

Giving projects the funding they deserve

For requests of up to £1,000, the finalists’ submitted projects will receive the funding they want, subject to due diligence. For all other funding levels, a panel of judges will review the finalists’ entries to decide which ones will get the funding.

Get involved today at aviva.co.uk/community-fund

Last updated 7 years 9 months ago