Autumn Equality Seminars For Voluntary & Community Sector Employers

In partnership with NICVA the Equality Commission will be delivering a series of 5 short seminars designed to assist Voluntary & Community Sector employers seeking to develop / benchmark their existing employment policies and procedures against recommende

Target Audience: Managers and HR Specialists operating within the Voluntary & Community Sector tasked with responsibility to develop or review employment practice aimed at promoting equality of opportunity within their Organisation.

Seminar Content & Structure:  Each seminar will cover a key area of employment relations and will outline recommended best practice set out in Equality Commission Guidance to Employers, including The Unified Guide to Promoting Equal Opportunities in Employment.

Dates & Details: Click on each event listed below for additional information:

Policy Development & Follow up Support:  The aim of each seminar is to assist employers to review their employment practice against specific best practice equality indicators.  Participants will also be provided with signposting to additional relevant information / resources and will receive one to one follow-up assistance as required.

To book email: [email protected]


Last updated 11 years 11 months ago