ASCERT Recovery Choir

ASCERT launches Recovery Choir: A weekly safe space for healing through song

ASCERT, NI's leading alcohol, drugs and mental health charity, are delighted to announce an inspirational new initiative - the ASCERT Recovery Choir.

The choir is open to all adults working within the recovery sector, actively undergoing recovery, or supporting someone in recovery.  The choir aims to provide a welcoming space for self expression, community support and fun.  Meeting weekly on Thursday evenings, the ASCERT Recovery Choir combines the proven therapeutic effects of singing with a supportive, understanding environment for individuals navigating their recovery.

ASCERT's mission has been to support positive change for people dealing with the harm caused by alcohol and/or substances and the Recovery Choir reflects this commitment in a unique and uplifting way.  No previous singing experience is necessary - all abilities are welcome whether participants are professionals within the recovery sector, on their own recovery journey or supporting loved ones, the ASCERT Recovery Choir encourages the sharing of voices, strengthen connections, build resilience and have fun.

Evidence shows that group singing can have significant mental health benefits, reducing stress, improving mood and fostering a sense of belonging.  Each week the ASCERT Recovery Choir learns new uplifting and inspiring contemporary music that is accessible for all and emphasising support over skill.

ASCERT's Recovery Choir's Musical Director Keith Pyper who has extensive experience with choirs, schools and musical societies across Northern Ireland said "Music has the power to bring people together and we hope to create a welcoming, safe space where everyone feels valued and connected"

There is an open invitation for adults to come along to the ASCERT Recovery Choir at their Thursday evening practices.  The choir meets at 6.45pm for an hour long practice starting at 7pm, finishing at 8pm, in the Westcourt Centre, Barrack Street, Belfast BT12 4AH.

A warm welcome is guaranteed to all.  For further information contact or call 0800 254 5123



Last updated 4 months 1 week ago